Sun-Proof Your Summer Products with Heat- and Waterproof Labels
This entry was posted on June 03, 2015
Sun-Proofing Labels Helps Products Hold Up in Summer
After what proved to be a long, dreary winter in many parts of the country, people are welcoming the soaring temperatures and the reappearance of that giant celestial orb in the sky - that is, except for manufacturers who failed to acknowledge that they needed to engage in sun-proofing their product labels for the summer.
When temperatures are high, certain products tend to fly off the shelves, including sunscreen to keep the sun's damaging rays at bay, lip balm to moisten lips on hot days and lotion to stave off dry, cracked skin and soothe sunburn. Given that many individuals will take these items outside with them - sometimes for hours while swimming, sunbathing and enjoying cookouts and other outdoor events - it's imperative that the labels affixed to these products can hold up if exposed to water or sunlight. After all, what use is a bottle of sunscreen if you can't read the SPF number on the packaging, or if the label is too faded for you to make out the instructions about how often to reapply?
Don't Forget to Heat-Resistant Labels
Sometimes, manufacturers fall into the trap of declaring their wares ready for summer after simply ensuring the packaging won't get bleached by the sun - in fact, they need to heat-proof labels as well. Lightning Labels creates custom stickers for candles, so we know just what to do to make sure the labels on your summer products can take the heat. After all, stickers that crack and peel when exposed to high temperatures won't exactly give consumers a good impression of your products - especially if you're selling something that promises to protect them against the sun.
Use Water Resistant Labels to Combat Pool and Ocean Splashes
It happens to everyone - dropping something in the bathtub, getting splashed by an unexpected cannonball into a nearby pool or even being caught off guard by a wave at the ocean. Products with waterproof labels aren't affected by these events, as consumers can simply wipe off any errant droplets and go on with their days. However, individuals who use items with sub-par packaging may not be as lucky. Before they know it, the pristine stickers on their sunscreen bottles or lip balm labels are marred by water spots or, even worse, entirely reduced to a soggy, pulpy mess. Manufacturers can avoid this unpleasant fate by turning to Lightning Labels for vibrant, high-quality labels that do more than just look the part - they can truly stand up to whatever summer throws at them.
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