Prepare for Wine Harvesting Season by Ordering Custom Labels
This entry was posted on June 08, 2015
Before Wine Harvesting Season Begins, Lock Down Label Designs
Wine harvesting season doesn't begin until late summer, but it's never too early to prepare by designing and ordering custom product labels. In a recent article, we delved into what it takes to design an appealing wine label and found that color, simplicity vs. complexity and ostentatiousness vs. refinement all play a significant role in the process. Speaking with Lettie Teague, wine columnist for The Wall Street Journal, veteran label designer Bob Johnson noted that aesthetic strategies differ in accordance with price ranges - for instance, simple packaging is associated with products on the low and high ends of the pricing scale, while the labels on mid-range bottles tend to be more ornate.
That being said, these trends are by no means hard and fast requirements, merely conventions that have developed over time. In fact, some of the best examples of wine labels are the ones that don't play by the rules.
To Catch Shoppers' Attention Tomorrow, Design Creative Wine Labels Today
This year's grapes may still be on the vine, but that shouldn't be a deterrent to the designers of wine labels. After all, inspiration can strike at any time of year. If neither the creative nor the grape juices are flowing, you may want to consider perusing this article from Buzzfeed, which lists 33 examples of labels by designers who truly thought outside the box. From Braille to perforation, fill-in-the-blanks to blackboard chic and cartoons to Aboriginal art, the sky's the limit.
Still unsure where to start? Online graphic art marketplace 99designs offered a few tips:
- Hone in on the wine's unique selling points and use these to form the basis of the label. USPs can be anything from the location of the vineyard to the company's methodology - what's important is that they set the product apart from the rest.
- Put together a customer profile to represent the quintessential member of the wine's demographic. Is this individual male or female? What is his or her age, appearance, job, ideal vacation destination, wine-drinking routine?
- Analyze the competition from the perspective of an individual who fits the customer profile. What are other brands doing right? Where did they miss the mark?
- Come up with a short list of words to describe the brand, and base the design on these.
- Lay the foundation. Before focusing on the wine label itself, determine other aspects such as bottle color, label dimensions and information that needs to be included on the front and back.
Ultimately, the key to a successful design is knowing the product, the company and the customer. This holds true whether the labels being created are for wine, food, nutraceuticals or other wares.
Order High-Quality Custom Labels with Time to Spare
Once the design is finalized, attention should turn to the quality of the custom labels themselves. After all, even the most creative motif will likely fall flat if printed on substandard material in colors that look washed-out or fade easily.
Lightning Labels can ensure this doesn't happen. Our custom wine labels feature rich, vibrant colors, high-resolution printing and a photo-quality finish that will help even small, boutique wineries make their offerings stand out on the shelf. Cost won't be an issue, as Lightning Labels can print wine labels that look bold and professional in small quantities at a low price. Individuals who get ahead of harvesting season by ordering their labels now won't experience a time crunch, but even so, Lightning Labels can deliver a lightning fast turnaround without rush charges.
Request your FREE instant quote today.