It's Time to Tap for Maple Syrup - Are Your Maple Syrup Labels Ready?
This entry was posted on February 09, 2017
Maple Trees Are Ready
With the winter nearing its end and maple syrup ready to tap, it's almost time to bottle and sell this sweet, natural product. You have a few weeks left to reflect on your labeling strategy for the year ahead. Unless your maple syrup labels are vibrant enough to catch customers' attention and tough enough to reach stores intact, you have some work to do. There are numerous positive associations you can make with the branding and imagery on your bottle and jar labels, and it's not too late to implement a new look this year.
Compete for Attention
When shoppers go to the grocery store or farmer's market for a bottle of maple syrup, they're likely open to picking any of the brands on display. The selection they find when they arrive will be determined by what companies are active in the region, and your task as one of those syrup producers is to have the most irresistibly exciting label in the group.
You can use imagery on your custom jar labels to call attention to any number of great traits your syrup possesses. From its natural origins to the way it adds a touch of sweetness to meals to the positive associations with beautiful maple forests and the frosty north, you have a wealth of imagery to choose from. If you can make your product stand out on the shelves, you have a chance of capturing some sales.
In recent years, crafted and handmade products have found themselves in a place of power within the food and beverage market, With craft beer an especially popular arena for innovation in both flavor and packaging, it's becoming increasingly clear that clever and colorful branding can turn a local product into a truly appealing item. Using some of the tactics that have been honed in the craft beer space, such as memorable imagery and regional character, can propel your syrup brand to new heights.
Time for Action
While you may believe it's too late to wrap this year's syrup crop in new labels - after all, it's already getting to be time to tap the trees - some partners are fast enough to deliver the custom maple syrup labels you need, with time to spare. This is where Lightning Labels lives up to its name, delivering lightning-fast service through the use of all-digital processes and domestic facilities. When you can turn an order around in a matter of days, it's easy to give your syrup bottles a bold and appealing new look.
While tradition and contiguity are virtues in the craft foods sector, keeping the exact same look from year to year may lead to your brand being eclipsed by fast-moving rivals. There's no reason to be overshadowed by other syrup producers' new label designs - with the assistance of Lightning Labels, you can pick the exact mix of shape, size, material and finish that will look great on your bottles. You can implement a new look this year and invite customers to try the wholesome, natural sweetness of your syrup brand.
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