Head Back to School with Custom Stickers and Bumper Stickers
This entry was posted on August 10, 2016
Make This a Great School Year with Custom Stickers
Fall's right around the corner, and it's time to think about sending the kids back to school. If you work in the school system or have a child in middle or high school, you may be looking for ways to promote teams, clubs or general spirit this year. One great possible answer is custom printed stickers, which can carry bold imagery and legible logos that stand out and show your pride. With a need to promote organizations within schools and potentially raise funds for them, it's best to think about this avenue of promotion now, while there's still time before classes are in session.
Bumpers and Beyond
When it comes to designing school stickers, bumper stickers and car decals are some of the leading choices. These products can be given out or sold to parents and school employees to add a little pride and promotion to their cars. There is room to get specific with the subject matter, too - you can appeal directly to family members of sports players, band members, club participants, honor students and more. Creating different stickers for each year's graduating class is another way to inspire school spirit.
When it's fundraising time for clubs, teams and associations, stickers make great small items for purchase, or thank-you gifts that come when people make larger donations. They may feel better about giving if they have a way to prominently display their support on their cars. It's always important to take every opportunity to promote and strengthen student organizations, and stickers are a great way to make that happen.
No Shortage of Subject Matter
When it comes to school decals, there are always many great choices for what to put on the designs. School mascots and logos make striking, colorful stickers and proud parents will be happy to apply them to a car bumper or back window. As long as you work with a printer that can deliver sharp, high-definition imagery, your designs will catch eyes and spread your message around the district and beyond.
Beyond Car Use
When you buy a print run of bumper stickers these days, it pays to think of them going well beyond cars. These are really multi-purpose stickers that can go anywhere, including students' folders or computers. They can be tacked up to bulletin boards or used to spruce up booths where fundraising is taking place. These self-adhesive stickers can be handed out at any time, and then what the recipients do with them is up to them. They'll surely find creative ways to show school spirit.
Of course, the academic year is on its way, with the school bell only weeks from ringing. This doesn't mean it's too late to get in on making great stickers. It simply means that it's important to work with a partner such as Lightning Labels that can turn your idea into a real batch of stickers in a hurry. These fast, high-quality, labels, stickers and decals will help you boost school spirit and help your favorite clubs, teams, organizations and more have a great year.
Request your FREE instant quote today.