Fresh, Heart-healthy Foods Deserve Fresh Labels
This entry was posted on January 31, 2017
February is American Heart Month
If your food products are good for heart health, it's a great idea to tell your customers this - they'll be happy to add these nutritious items to their diets. There is no better time to revise your custom food labels than February, which is American Heart Month. Whether the changes are a temporary tie-in with the event or part of a long-term labeling strategy, rolling them out during this month is a great way to draw attention.
A History of Heart Health
It has been over 50 years since the first American Heart Month was observed. As the American Heart Association noted, the event was designated by President Lyndon B. Johnson at the end of 1963 and held in February 1964. The month is a time for awareness of the many conditions that can affect the heart, as well as preventive measures that can minimize the instances and impact of these diseases.
You can use custom labels to make an impact in February, and there's more than one viable approach. Perhaps you want to ensure shoppers know your foods' place in a balanced and heart-healthy diet. You can also use the month to draw attention to good causes and organizations that are performing research in the service of curing diseases of the heart.
Permanent Changes a Possibility
When your products are part of a heart-healthy diet, there's no reason to switch away from labels stating this information once February ends. You can switch labeling strategies to coincide with American Heart Month, then keep the new design indefinitely. The one caveat about labels that make nutritional promises is that you must check FDA regulations to verify that your product's benefits fit the criteria around the chosen words.
To maximize American Heart Month exposure, you can create a short-run label celebrating February, then switch to yet another design afterward, adding exciting new branding instead of reverting to your old default. This quick change from your present label to a short-run version - then to a third look - is possible if your labeling provider is agile enough to support low-volume orders.
Bold Imagery Catches Eyes
One element of custom nutritional labels that may fall by the wayside is graphic design. When there is an important message to get out - whether it's about the benefits of a product or important work being done for heart health - that idea might take precedence over imagery. The best way to get a concept across, however, is through bold design elements. Working with a high-quality label printing partner is essential if you want the look of your products to match up to your plans for them.
Lightning Labels Can Help
February has begun. Does this mean it's too late for you to launch a new labeling strategy for American Heart Month? Not if you work with Lightning Labels. True to its name, Lightning Labels enables lightning-fast turnaround times through its use of domestic production facilities instead of outsourcing, coupled with an all-digital printing process. When you need custom food product labels in days, rather than weeks or months, Lightning Labels can make it happen.
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