Extended Content Labels - Should Your Brand Use Wraparound Labels or QR Codes to Share Content About Your Product?
This entry was posted on June 20, 2019
Whether you're required by law to share details such as an ingredient list or you simply want to give your customers more information about your products, there are numerous cases in which it's appropriate to make extensive additions to labels' contents, and a few potential ways to add space for the extra details. The most basic approaches involve simply making font sizes smaller or removing some branded imagery. Those are unsatisfying solutions, however, weakening the overall look of your products on store shelves.
Fortunately, the other methods of adding extra facts to your labels are much more compatible with great visual design. You could opt for extended content labels, which peel back to reveal more information to buyers. You could also take a more tech-forward approach and employ QR code labels, allowing smartphone users to navigate to extra content online when they point a device camera at the product. Each of these approaches provides a more informative experience while saving valuable space for design features.
Extended Content Labels
When you use wraparound product labels, which swing open or peel back to reveal extra information, you gain extra surface space on each package. You can fill the extra area with ingredient lists, recipe suggestions, background facts about your company or any other pertinent information. You can even give customers coupons in the hope that they will come back and buy more of your products, taking advantage of the discount. Extended content labels look like average labels before they're peeled, giving you plenty of space for logos, imagery and UPC bar codes.
There are several variants within the general category of extended content labels. A wraparound style goes around the container between 1.5 and 2 times and comes with a light adhesive that can be refastened several times. A hinge style swings open like a door. If one of these labels is meant to have a layer permanently removed, it's known as a coupon style. You choose how customers use the coupon: They can either get a discount on the product while checking out or peel the coupon off at home and bring it back to the store next time they visit.
QR Labels
When you use QR stickers or labels on your product, you're creating a connection between your customers and extra information through online portals. Whether through a brand-specific app or a general-purpose scanning tool, shoppers gain access to digital content not constrained by physical space. In the near future, QR codes could be key to regulatory compliance, with some of the discussion about genetically modified ingredient disclosure revolving around the potential use of QR labels.
When your brand directs shoppers to a website via a QR code, you have a great deal of control over the information presented and the experience in general. Your online assets can include long-form recipes, extensive brand information, constantly updated promotions; anything your company provides online can gain a link to your in-store shoppers through a QR code. Add the fact that QR codes take up little space on a label, and you have a recipe for digital success.
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