How to Design Engaging Custom Beer Labels
This entry was posted on December 21, 2017
Did you know there's a word for the diagnosable phobia of having an empty beer glass? It's called Cenosillicaphobia.
This means your work's cut out for you. You can save the sufferers of Cenosillicaphobia the agony of experiencing their worst fear by delivering high-quality libations in an inviting manner.
Let's take a look at how you can design the most engaging custom beer labels.
1. Catch Their Eye
When you're choosing your custom beer labels, you'll want to design something that's alluring and distinctive among the other brew labels. But not over-complicated or too complex.
You can use a mascot or signature image to help your beer fans find your bottles easier. You want your custom brew to stand out above the rest in a subtle, but direct way.
There are a lot, I repeat a lot, of beers to choose from. Why should they choose yours? Ponder this question as you create your beer labels.
2. Stay Simple, Yet Relevant
Don't use elaborate font styles, especially ones that could be hard to read. You can incorporate current trends and popular topics into your custom labels. Research what's popular at the time when you're designing your labels to better speak to your consumers.
You'll want to stay trendy, but also original. This can be a balancing act. Speak to your target demographic without burdening them with a lot of information.
3. Get Colorful
Your custom beer labels should incorporate specific colors that tend to bring up certain feelings in customers. You can even make your bottles a striking color to make it stand out even more.
Comfort and curiosity are good areas to stimulate your potential customers. Make them want to pick up your bottles to inspect more closely.
Always keep the customer's response to your labels in mind. If you were a customer seeing the label for the first time, how would you receive the color scheme and design?
4. Elicit Emotion
You want your craft beer labels to be memorable. You want your potential consumers to think of your beer when they're doing some of their favorite things.
When we connect enjoyable activities with a beverage, we're more likely to actively seek out the beverage. Try to use images that people can relate to and that stir up warm feelings in your consumers.
5. Keep it Balanced
Use shapes and images, but don't overload your customers. Use words, but don't make them read a novel. Balance out the text, images, and shapes you use in your beer's message to keep the flow smooth.
You'll want a potential customer to be able to recognize your craft beer from across the room at a party by your distinctive labels. They shouldn't have to walk over and pick up a bottle to know it's yours.
Designing the Most Engaging Custom Beer Labels
Designing your beer labels can be a lot of fun and really gets the creative juices flowing. But, remember that it's the potential customer that will either make or break the success of your design.
Once you have your design, and you're looking to print the best custom beer labels, start by getting a quote today.
Request your FREE instant quote today.