Celebrate Your Club with Customized Sticker Decals
This entry was posted on March 03, 2015
Show Your Pride with Club Stickers
Whether you run a sports team, a society of "Star Trek" aficionados or anything in between, there's one thing your members are likely to embrace with open arms: club stickers. Everyone likes to be part of something bigger than themselves, and custom decals are a great way for people to proudly declare their allegiance to your group via everything from paper folders to car windows.
Sometimes, a club owner may avoid looking into the option of creating customized sticker decals because he or she believes the organization's membership is too small to warrant the associated production expenses, but that isn't the case. Lightning Labels offers professional, short-run roll stickers that can be printed in whatever quantities you'd like at a price that's financially viable and well within your budget.
Explaining the Decal Printing Process
So, after you submit a design, what's the next step in the decal printing process? To ensure you're totally happy with your stickers before you place your final order, Lightning Labels will provide you with press proofs at no extra charge. If time is of the essence, we can accommodate you by offering proofing via electronic PDFs. After you confirm everything is exactly how you envisioned, it's time to print. Typically, you can expect us to turn around most customized sticker orders in 48 to 72 hours following digital printing press approval.
Say your club meets on a weekly basis - one week, you can pass around the press proofs so everyone can weigh in on the design, and by the next week, you'll be able to distribute the decals themselves.
Why Splurge on Custom Decals?
As we noted above, cultivating a sense of community and camaraderie is a powerful thing. There are many ways to make people feel as if they're part of something special, from full-on uniforms to custom decals. If you want the members of your club to feel united without breaking the bank, Lightning Labels has you covered. We can print almost any kind of customized decals you can imagine, ranging in shape, size and material. Want a glossy and durable finish? We've got it. Prefer an old-world look and feel? We can do that too. Place an order today and get ready to see what a huge impact something as small as a custom decal can have on your team spirit.
Request your FREE instant quote today.