CBD Product Labels: What do Customers Want to Know About Your CBD Product?
This entry was posted on April 26, 2019
In the constantly evolving CBD marketplace, even as regulators keep revising rules, consumers continue buying products at an astounding rate. Information on many of the new CBD offerings, however, is inconsistent at best, and potentially misleading at times. For that reason, CBD marketers are being urged to adopt more uniform, accurate and responsible labeling practices - before legislators step in and enact laws to protect customers.
The investment firm Cowen & Company reported that CBD retail sales in 2018 ranged between $600 million and $2 billion. By 2025, they estimated, that figure would rise to over $16 billion. With that kind of potential, it's no wonder that companies are scrambling to get in on the CBD gold rush. If you're planning on entering this market, or expanding your share of it, here are some helpful tips on CBD product labels to assure your sales success.
- Is your CBD Product Label For A Food or supplement? New Hope Network advises you to pick the right label category. If your product is a capsule, soft gel or oral spray, it should be a supplement label. For oil drops, if you list the number of drops for a serving size, then the product is also a supplement. But if you're dealing with foods or beverages, the container and serving sizes will help determine the label. Is the product intended to be consumed all at once? If not, the product probably needs to be labeled as a supplement. In that case, New Hope suggests following the U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidelines for cannabis and cannabis-derived products.
- Vital information on the front of the CBD Product label. New Hope also recommends paying special attention to the front of the package. Customers want to know net weight or volume, capsule or tablet count, statement of identity (herbal supplement, for example) and the amount of nutrient the product contains (such as 15 mg of CBD per serving).
- Assurance the CBD is authentic. Hemp Industry Daily reported on a movement in some states toward inserting a special code to guarantee the origin of the CBD and its potency. For example, after an incident in which dozens of Utah residents were sickened by synthetic CBD products, the state is urging producers to include a label code that proves the product is legal. To accomplish that, you'll need a method for printing CBD product labels customized with the code or other information.
- Clarify the claims. If you have any doubts whether descriptions of product benefits meet state or federal guidelines, check what the FDA states in its Dietary Supplement Labeling Guide.
Finally, as you keep up with the latest regulations and consumer trends, you'll also want to obtain assistance from firms like Lightning Labels, which has experience with custom CBD product labels and years of expertise printing the kind of attention-getting labels that produce results in a competitive retail environment.
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