Canning Jar Labels that Promote Your Food Products
This entry was posted on November 22, 2017
Jars holding jellies, jams and preserves should be labeled in bold and eye-catching ways that let buyers know exactly what's inside. While food labels must contain nutritional information, they should also have room for great imagery and design work to ensure consumers are attracted to the items on store shelves.
"No company is exempt from the need for vibrant and eye-catching packages."
This need for great jar labels applies to companies of all sizes. From one-person businesses that sell canned goods at farmer's markets to corporations that produce items in large quantities and distribute them to grocery chains, no company is exempt from the need for vibrant and eye-catching packages. Even mason jars that leave little room for imagery can be visually spiced up.
Promoting Jams, Jellies and Preserves
Food items sold in jars are a wide-open category of products. Canning can be carried out locally or as part of a global conglomerate. Any and all of these businesses should seek out a capable third-party provider to handle production of custom jar labels. If business owners pick their partner wisely, the organization will be able to keep helping out as the company scales up from a few jars a season to huge shipments.
When opting for jars that have textured sides, businesses may find themselves unable to go with standard labels that wrap around the containers. This is where mason jar lid labels come in, delivering an array of necessary information and bright imagery in the allotted space. High-quality printing is essential in these cases, as lower-resolution labels won't be able to clearly display the many design elements included.
Custom canning labels that promote jam, jelly, preserves or pickled vegetables in smooth glass jars can cover more area, giving brands still more opportunities to show off their colors and logos. Small companies can take advantage of the space to give some background on their regional identities or histories, creating a bond with buyers. Businesses of all sizes may win shoppers over with recipes that incorporate the products, giving helpful suggestions on how best to experience the foods within.
Getting the Right Labels
Labels for canned items should be of high enough quality to clearly display their messages to shoppers while also being tough enough to survive in shipping boxes and on store shelves. Small producers in particular should also ensure they are working with labeling partners that offer small minimum order sizes, or else they may be stuck absorbing the cost of ordering more labels than they need. Lightning Labels, with its all-digital printing processes, offers this mixture of visual quality and production flexibility.
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