Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder, And Also On Your Custom Cosmetic Labels
This entry was posted on October 12, 2020
Cosmetics and beauty products in general require careful branding and labeling strategies. As a producer of makeup or other beauty items, your task is to convince consumers that your goods should be part of their daily routines. Whether you are a startup just beginning to put its first offerings on retail shelves or an established brand seeking a visual refresh, you can use cosmetic packaging design as an impactful tool for reaching your audience and creating a strong impression.
A few important considerations go into producing the perfect packaging for your beauty products. First, you have to verify that your choices are compliant with regulations. Next, you should create a visual identity that will get your brand values across. Then, it's time to make sure your custom cosmetic label provider can deliver the level of high-performance materials and finishes that will keep your items looking their best week after week, month after month.
What Are the Regulations for Cosmetic Packaging?
The Food and Drug Administration lists several statutes that apply to cosmetic labels. The main purpose of these various regulations is to ensure that items are not deceptively labeled or marketed. The definition of a "misbranded" cosmetic listed by the FDA specifies that the label must not mislead customers and has to state the quantity of contents along with the name and address of the company that made, packed or distributed the item. Furthermore, all this information must be prominently displayed in a legible way.
Packaging is considered misleading if the label makes false representations, and also if it fails to note consequences that could come from using the item as intended. It's important to verify that everything on your cosmetic packaging is verifiable before singing off on a design, or there may be legal consequences.
What Makes an Eye-Catching Custom Cosmetic Label?
There is no one objective standard to stick to when creating the visual design for your cosmetics labels. Establishing brand awareness is key, and this means you should stick with visual signifiers that fit your company's personality. A 99 Designs guide to beauty product visuals indicated that a cosmetics producer's look can range from cutting-edge modern appearance to a more minimal style. If you want to ensure your brand is friendly and accessible, that means you can use a bright and fun look. For a more upscale take, a shining chrome style may be more appropriate.
You can accomplish a lot from a branding perspective by choosing an appropriate font. In fact, 99 Designs recommended picking a custom typeface if you have the option. This decision gives you a great degree of control over how people view your products, from old-fashioned and sophisticated to bold and modern. When space on a label is limited, your text may be the main visual element for customers to fixate on, so it should be well chosen.
Why Work with an Experienced Beauty Product Label Partner?
Whether you represent a large company or a small start-up, there are advantages to working with an expert custom label partner. You need to ensure your packaging, from squeezable tubes to bottle labels, is made with the right materials and finishes to stand up to the moisture in buyers' bathrooms. An experienced third party such as Lightning Labels can provide the necessary materials and shapes to make sure your labels look great and stay tough over time.
By embracing digital printing methods, Lightning Labels is able to offer quick turnaround times, along with flexible order sizes to ensure you are never stuck with more or fewer labels than you need at the moment. Your next order of custom cosmetic labels should present your brand in the best possible light, whether you're an established name or a newcomer in the beauty space.
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