August is National Water Quality Month - Get Your Water Labels Ready
This entry was posted on August 26, 2015
Are Your Water Labels Optimized for August?
What do water labels have to do with August? According to Holiday Insights, as well as being National Golf Month (time to perfect your swing!), National Picnic Month (watch out for ants), Family Fun Month (make the most of those last few precious days before the kids go back to school) and Peach Month (because, quite simply, yum), August is also National Water Quality Month.
Why Use A Water Quality Label?
If you sell bottled water from an untainted source, there's no time like the present to proudly declare that fact by way of a vibrant and professional-looking water quality label. After all, according to a statistic from the United States Environmental Protection Agency cited by nonprofit news outlet GoodSpeaks, 4 in 10 American waterways have issues with water quality. This means that for many people, accessing non-polluted water may not be as easy as they thought.
Warn Against Pollution With Water-Resistant Labels
So, where does all this water pollution come from, and how can you educate the public about its origins using water-resistant labels?
Consumers tend to point the finger at factories and manufacturing plants, illegal dumping and big business, but at least some of the blame lies closer to home. A fact sheet compiled by Clean Water Action lists a number of ways individuals can reduce the water pollution coming from their homes. The environmental organization's numerous recommendations included:
- Steering clear of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
- Selecting nontoxic household products.
- Avoiding antibacterial soaps and cleansers.
If you sell nontoxic products, appeal to shoppers' concern for the environment by making sure they know how your wares can help them avoid polluting the water in and around the area they call home.
Of course, household cleaners and bath and body products tend to get wet with some regularity over the course of their useful lives. With this in mind, it's important for manufacturers to invest in water-resistant labels. By deploying durable stickers and labels, it's easy to ensure the information printed on the items' packaging remains as crisp, bright and legible as it was on Day One. Browse Lightning Labels' selection of label materials and laminates to find the perfect fit for your product. August may already be half over, but with Lightning Labels' lightning-fast turnaround, you'll soon be set for the rest of the month.
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