Account Manager James Rice revels in family, sports, customer service
This entry was posted on April 19, 2021
Lightning Labels Account Manager James Rice is passionate about family, friendships, and his job.
He joined the company last February, right before the pandemic mushroomed in the US. He notes, “The current crisis has been hard on everyone and we are no different. But it has helped put into perspective what is most important—family, job, friends. These are things the pandemic has not been able to take away from me. It has caused us to become closer and spend more time with each other.”
Sports has proven a top priority for how they spend their time together. “I like to spend my leisure time outdoors with my wife, three kids and our yellow Lab. I spend as much time with them as I can. All my kids play sports, so we are constantly on the go.”
James is an equal-opportunity Denver professional sports enthusiast as well. In his words, he enjoys “watching sports like football (huge Broncos fan), basketball (huge Nuggets fan), hockey (huge Avs fan), and baseball (huge Rockies fan).”
When not with family and friends or watching sports, James is focused on taking care of Lightning Labels’ custom label customers. He notes, “The favorite part of my job is being able to partner with small businesses and helping them to grow. I have seen businesses that were just starting out earlier in my career here at Lightning really take off and grow exponentially.”
Prior to coming aboard and assisting customers with their product label needs at Lightning Labels, he “locked up” considerable experience as a project manager for all Brinks padlocks sold in the US.
With warmer weather, loosening restrictions on gatherings and sports events, and a renewed sense of optimism, the coming months promise to be enjoyable, positive and productive for James Rice and his account management team at Lightning Labels.
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